Fredy Santamaria
"When my brothers and I left El Salvador for the United States, I didn’t foresee our life in Logansport or my future with Ivy Tech. Honestly, I was not even going to college; it just didn’t seem a realistic destination for a young immigrant. But then Beth Chaney came to our school to talk about the ASAP program. I had earned 20 dual credit hours, and mastered English. Determined, she found mentors and scholarships so I could enter and succeed in the ASAP program. I finished my degree in Liberal Arts in 11 months, then shortly began another in Cyber Security. I’m so thankful for the support and this amazing opportunity."

Gabriela Vega
"I’ve always dreamed of being a veterinarian. While pursuing my associate degree in Biology through Ivy Tech’s Transfer as a Junior program, I wanted to confirm I was on the right car eer track before transferring to a four-year college my Junior year. First, Ivy Tech connected me with an animal clinic for a half-day job shadow, then they worked to develop an internship opportunity for me. Through this experience, I saw the different types of care the clinic provides to a variety of animals. It let me know this career is something I want to pursue. Now, I’m ready for the next step."

Lindsey Miller
"As a full-time working single mother, I was thrilled with Ivy Tech’s affordability and flexibility. I didn’t anticipate the incredible support I received. The few times I was faced with childcare conflicts, my professor was caring, accommodating, and ensured I didn’t fall behind. Ivy Tech staff members value you, they see the students as individuals and find ways to walk beside them and journey with them. That’s where change happens."

Sydney Querry
"I’ve always wanted to be a teacher but the cost of college and time required became a real obstacle. When I heard about the ASAP program at Ivy Tech, I knew it was perfect for me—and my goal of getting a degree without a lot of debt. Ivy Tech faculty is so supportive, and scholarship funds have helped pay for some of my classes. I’ll earn my associate degree in General Studies in just a year and then transfer to IU Kokomo as a junior. After that, well, I hope to realize my dream of teaching language arts to 6th graders."