Circle of Ivy Anderson Projects 2020 – 2021
Total Funding = $12,000
IvyCares Student Emergency Fund – $3,000
Many of our students found themselves in desperate situations due to COVID. Ivy Cares is a program designed to assist students with unexpected emergency financial needs that isn’t covered by scholarships and may otherwise cause a student to drop out of college. The program is not designed for assistance with recurring expenses and does not support tuition or fees. Students must be in good standing with the college, be in regular attendance with their current classes, and be making satisfactory progress in their current coursework.
Project Jump Start Operational Funds – $3,000
Project Jump Start is an accelerated model of Ivy Tech’s student success course. The course takes place for one week prior to each semester and includes important information about how to navigate college. This course is especially imperative since most of our students are the first in their family to attend college. The accelerated course, which includes guest community speakers and time for students to explore aspects of their college life has resulted in increased success and retention rates among participants.
Give and Take Food Pantry – $3,000
Food insecurity is a major issue that our students face. In 2016, a HOPE Lab survey found that 56% of community college students experienced food insecurity, and we know that COVID has only increased this number. Students that struggle to meet their basic needs will struggle to persist and be successful in college. In order to help address this need of our students, Ivy Tech Anderson has established a Give and Take Pantry for students and staff who need assistance with food, toiletries, and other essential items. The pantry is completely anonymous and offers everything from canned goods, baby food, toilet paper and other personal hygiene items. The pantry has made a significant impact for our students and the funds would be used to continue to expand and sustain this service.
Women Interested in STEM Programs and Emergency Completion – $3,000
One of the “”at risk”” population groups involves female students interested in pursuing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) programs. There is clear evidence available indicating that the majority of students working toward STEM related degrees are males, and the majority of individuals working in STEM fields are males as well. There is also compelling evidence suggesting that women are often uncomfortable pursuing STEM programs to completion without strong support systems in place. We would like to provide mentorship opportunities as well as a virtual event inviting women within our service area who are successfully working in STEM careers to connect with our female students interested in STEM and offer a panel interview to promote conversations and support. This type of opportunity would serve as a positive experience toward supporting these women.
Circle of Ivy Bloomington Projects 2020 – 2021
Total Funding = $17,396
Establishing Rural Hotspots – $3,000
This project will help provide students in our rural communities with access to stable broadband internet connections, helping them stay engaged with their coursework and moving forward toward their academic goals.
Green Apron Food Kits – $896
Each month, from December to April, the Hospitality Program will assemble 5 meal kits and 5 baked good kits. Each kit will include pre-portioned ingredients, a detailed recipe and access to an instructional video created by a Hospitality student.
Give and Take Pantry – $3,000
Through this free, entirely online program we can help meet the basic needs of the students we serve.
Supporting Single Parents – $3,000
This program will allow single parents to complete a college degree while earning incentives and making connections with other single parents.
Supporting ASAP Students – $1,500
Therapeutic Thinking Putty will provide much needed stress relief to our ASAP students.
TASC At-Hand: Keeping My Cook Pathway Students Connected – $3,000
This program will provide laptops and hotspots for students enrolled in the My Cook Pathway program, helping them attend class, complete homework and persist in earning their high school equivalency diploma.
NO-CO(vid) Employee Tailgate – $3,000
The Bloomington Village is a close knit community and we miss seeing one another. This event will bring us together in a safe, masked and socially distanced manner for a fall “NO-CO(VID) Tailgate” in the parking lot of the Ferguson Academic Building.
Circle of Ivy Columbus Projects 2020 – 2021
Total Funding = $2,610
Helping Minorities – $1,500
Before the pandemic happened, it was already a challenge for minority students to pay for tuition, afford books, housing, and transportation. The funds will be used to help Latinx students with books or tuition. The emergency funds will be used to help Latinx students who are single parents or homeless with bills such as gas, electricity, or water.
STEAM carts – STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) – $310.00
The Columbus Campus is excited to have a new building in the next year or two. The Elementary Education and Early Childhood Programs will have a shared, dedicated classroom. The need for updated equipment and materials is necessary to create an engaging, relevant, and positive learning environment. Mobile storage has many benefits including 1) Cutting down on classroom clutter, 2) Varying classroom arrangements for projects, virtual, safety, testing, learning stations, lecture etc… 3) Easy sanitation, 4) Easier movement of equipment/furniture for a shared classroom, and 5) Easy transition for students from individual work to collaborative work.
March: Disability Awareness Month – $500
March is Disability Awareness month and for students with disabilities, this month represents so much more than just representation but also normalizing disability in higher education. At Ivy Tech Columbus about 2% of students utilize accommodations, while on average 10% of students in higher education have a disability. Therefore, the $500 will go towards a speaker to talk about the struggles and triumphs of having a disability. This month will encourage conversations about disability and encourage students to get accommodations because they are not alone in their disability. Crip Camp a documentary on Netflix has some incredible trailblazers in disability rights so having one of them speak to Ivy Tech students, faculty, and staff via zoom would be monumental.
Instructor Professional Development – $300
To go towards professional development or classroom equipment for our Teaching Awards/Excellence in Instruction winners.
Circle of Ivy Evansville Projects 2020 – 2021
Total Funding = $18,500
Completion of new exhaust in the Weld lab – $3,000
Additional Duct material to complete the installation of our new exhaust hoods. This will greatly improve pulling hazardous fumes form the welding students while they participate in welding activities.
Fix The Floor – $2,000
The automotive program uses the 34ft. semi trailer from the Diesel program as storage for our engines. We use these engines to teach engine repair class. The floor in the trailer is wood and is rotting. We would like to re-enforce the floor with steel plate to prevent it from falling through. The total amount is $2000 for materials and the welding department is going to have their students do the job. This saves us on labor and gives needed training to the welding students.
Ivy Cares Evansville – $300
Ivy’s Closet aims to reduce the impact that food insecurity has on the academic success of our students, and to provide community referrals to assist with meeting other unmet basic needs. As part of the initiative, efforts are coordinated with internal and external community partnerships to address the various needs of our students. Ivy’s Closet allows for a healthy approach for the wellness of our campus.
Rural, urban, and suburban hot spots – $3,000
Throughout Southern Indiana, a major issue that many students face is a lack of access to stable broadband internet connections. By providing wireless hotspots to students, we would be addressing the need for equal access to education and opportunities at Ivy Tech’s Evansville Campus for those students who live in rural areas that do not currently have.
Supplemental Funding for High School Equivalency Tests – $4,600
This singular exam is expected to be paid by the student wishing to take it, but with a price of $92 per exam, some people either cannot afford the fee, or are afraid to pay for it for fear of not passing, without the opportunity for a second chance. Supplemental funding provided by Ivy Tech’s Women’s Philanthropy Program could remove that barrier for these students, that in some cases is the last hurdle or barrier preventing them from enrolling in college or taking part in any course/class that requires a High School Diploma or High School Equivalency.
Charging Tables and Chairs for Student Commons – $5,600
We have one phone charging stand in each common areas. Currently students have to leave their phones on these stands while they charge. Also if students want to plug in their laptops, they have to find a table near a wall, or are found sitting in the hallways by a plug in. Tables will allow for a collaborative space for using digital devices.
Circle of Ivy Fort Wayne Projects 2020 – 2021
Total Funding = $6,500
Helping Hands Funds – $6,500
Fort Wayne’s Helping Hands Fund assists students at Ivy Tech Community College through short-term financial emergencies so that they can be in class, be prepared, and persist in their academic course work. As students deal with the realities of COVID-19 in their everyday lives, many could benefit from assistance from the Helping Hands Fund to help cover expenses like tuition, books, bills, child care, and healthcare.
Circle of Ivy Indianapolis Projects 2020 – 2021
Total Funding = $27,500
Veteran Affairs Assistance – $7,500
COVID-19 is a pandemic that has unfortunately hit our population extremely hard. This fund will be created to assist the veteran population during a time when unemployment for veterans has reached record high and it currently outpaces the unemployment rate for the rest of the United States. When dealing with additional challenges that currently affect the veteran community like mental illness, physical injuries sustained during service and trying to integrating back into society, it is rather difficult when faced with a high unemployment rate as well.
The funds obtained would be used to assist with book purchases, educational expenses (i.e…certification fees that the VA will not cover yet are an integral part of the courses that our veterans may be enrolled in) as well as a copy card that can be used universally by all veterans and their veteran dependents that are using benefits at the downtown campus. VA educational benefits, if Post 91/1 is being utilized, will provide a stipend to assist with book purchases yet this is usually not enough to fully purchases class materials.
Our veterans need financial assistance to help them sustain and obtain that additional education that will help them continue to be a thriving part of our society. I understand that we have unused monies but this money can and will definitely be put to use to help our veteran community and their dependent families.
Needed Technology to Provide Quality Virtual Tutoring – $2,500
The Learning Center provides extensive tutoring services to Ivy Tech students enrolled in math, English, Science, accounting, engineering, computer, and many other classes. On average, we serve about 2800 unique students each year comprising over 20,000 visits at the Indianapolis and Lawrence campuses. Our mission is to foster active learning in an open and friendly environment.
COVID-19 has made it harder for us to create this friendly and engaging environment since our labs are operating at a limited capacity for the safety of our students and tutors. Most of our tutors are working from home and tutoring virtually through Zoom. We believe that students seeing our friendly faces is crucial now more than ever. Having essential technologies like webcams and writing tablets can improve the quality of the tutoring we provide to our students and will make our services more accessible to students.
The Wacom writing tablets will make it easier for tutors to annotate on Zoom, write out mathematical equations and graphs for students, and share notes with students after sessions. Having webcams also lets tutors using desktops show their faces during the tutoring sessions. These essential tools will improve the tutoring experience for our students and will allow us to maintain our virtual presence in the future.
IvyCARES Student Support – $7,500
IvyCARES provides much needed life supports to students in the Indianapolis service area. The supports offered at no cost to students include crisis intervention, case management, ombudsman services, financial and employment coaching, emergency income supports, an integrated part-time WorkOne Career Advisor, and a referral pipeline for students to counseling services at Ivy Tech. As awareness of the resources and support continues to increase, along with the effects of COVID-19, the number of students seeking supports continues to rise. Much of this need is financial in nature.
At this time, the level of student need exceeds what will be sustainably supported by our recurring funding streams. IvyCARES is requesting $7,500 from the Circle of Ivy to help close this gap in funding. These dollars would be used directly to provide students with emergency aid for transportation, food, housing, utility, and childcare issues. This amount would help IvyCARES to continue to offer necessary financial support to its students in order to reduce barriers to education and increase student performance and retention.
Hospitality Administration Program Student Support – $5,000
In the Hospitality program, students need a textbook, kitchen uniform and toolkit for their first semester courses of either HOSP 102 or 105. We have some uniforms that we can loan out and the book is on reserve in the library. However, our courses are set up as either a 4 x 4 or a 2 x 8 class meaning students fly through the courses. If FA is delayed a week or more, students find themselves way behind others because they don’t have what they need. We can help students for several days with uniforms, but eventually they fall behind because they don’t have their book or knife kit and may be wearing a uniform that does not quite fit. We also have the continual problem of not getting items returned, which then diminishes our inventory.
Student Success for Single Moms – $5,000
IVYT 111 Student Success for Single Moms course provides single mothers with an overview of the skills and strategies necessary to reach their educational, career, and life objectives. Topics include time management, study skills, learning styles, campus and community resources, critical thinking, and utilization of technology, career skills, and diversity in society. The class is design to specifically assist single moms and provide a community of support. This class is the starting point for a cohort program to help single mothers complete their certificates and/or degrees with ongoing mentoring, workshops, and building supportive, healthy and affirming relationships with others in the program.
Circle of Ivy Indy South Projects 2020 – 2021
Total Funding = $1,600
Fighting Student Homelessness – $1,600
Fighting Student Homelessness would provide items on our “Sharing Shelf” for students in need. In my research there are three stages of homelessness and throughout my time at Ivy Tech Community College. These stages are Chronic homelessness examples include individuals sleeping outside, episodic homelessness which occurs when individuals have moments of living outside in cars and other places, and transitional homelessness which includes individuals living with friends or family, but no permanent home.
Our program would focus on transitional homelessness I have encountered many students over the years that were living with friends and families without a permanent address. I remember one student was kicked out of his parents’ house, and moved in with his girlfriend’s family, and he was kicked out of that house as well. My goal of “Fighting Student Homelessness” would provide items such as pantry food items, socks, gloves and other items for these students who are dealing with transitional homelessness.
Circle of Ivy Kokomo Projects 2020 – 2021
Total Funding = $16,445
The Associate Accelerated Program (ASAP) Enrichment & Expansion – $5,000
Launched in 2015 out of Kokomo, Kokomo Service Area’s accelerated associate degree program, ASAP, has experienced growth – growth in numbers, and growth in locations. Each year enrollment has increased, and we have been offering ASAP to students in both Logansport and Kokomo since 2018.
The support, enrichment, and celebrations all play a role in the experience ASAP students receive while completing a two-year-degree in less than one year. Without a doubt, these experiences, in addition to classroom instructional activity and learning environments, are contributors to the success of our ASAP students.
Circle of Ivy has had a hand in our ability to offer rich enrichment activities as well as fund celebrations as we reach milestones throughout the year, and without the funds we’ve received from Circle of Ivy each year, we would not have been able to do many of those activities. Our ASAP students are grateful for the rich experience they are immersed in during their time at Ivy Tech Community College. As we look to expand ASAP and change the lives of even more future-students in our community, funds will be needed for both recruitment and enrichment activities for a larger number
Ivy Tech Student Ambassador Program – $5,000
With the current pandemic across the US because of COVID-19, there is an expectation that families would like to keep their students closer to home when choosing a college. In order to accommodate students from the Kokomo service area who may now seek Ivy Tech as an option for college, we would like to implement an Ivy Ambassador program. This program would provide 10-12 student jobs for our best and brightest current Ivy Tech students and allow us to put our best foot forward as prospective students visit campus. The students will be selected through recommendations from current faculty and staff. These Ivy Ambassadors would represent Ivy Tech by giving tours to prospective students and families, provide outreach to those same students, and will share their Ivy Tech story in schools, to civic groups and to other guests that visit the campus. They will work in conjunction with the admissions office and development office. This program will provide needed on-campus jobs and help us provide a quality connection with prospective students and the community.
Scholarships for Student Success – $3,745
The Kokomo, Logansport, Peru, Rochester and Tipton communities are invited to attend scholarship fundraising events. These events generate approximately $30,000 annually that support student scholarship in each community across the service area. Due to COVID-19, face-to-face scholarship fundraising events have been cancelled, but students are still in need of scholarship support. This year donors who have participated in the scholarship fundraising events will be invited to continue to help students by giving generously through online giving. The need for student scholarship support cannot be understated. These barrier busting dollars break down financial barriers and help students succeed. The goal this year is to ensure our students receive the same level of support during these uncertain times. The Financial Aid department request that the Circle of Ivy (COI) help reach the $30,000 by allocating $5,000 for student scholarships; $2,000 for Kokomo/Tipton, $2,000 for Logansport/Rochester and $1,000 for Peru students.
Human Services Giving Shelf Supporting Student Needs – $1,000
The Human Services Student Organization (HSSO) received a grant and raised matching funds in December of 2019 to start a food pantry, which we call The Giving Shelf. The Giving Shelf provides nonperishable food items, hygiene products, snacks, water, and school supplies free of charge to those attending the Kokomo region Ivy Tech Community College. Through the grant, fundraisers, and donations we have been able to keep the shelves stocked, however, with COVID, the need for these items is greater than ever. The students involved with HSSO are continuing to work on fundraising, donations and food drives, however, due to the pandemic it is more difficult to obtain as much support as is required. Funding received from the Circle of Ivy would ensure this much needed resource is kept open during this time of uncertainty.
School of Information Technology Virtual I.T. Competition – $1,700
The School of Information Technology would like to engage and attract high school students to attend Ivy Tech Community College. We would like to invite them to participate in a virtual competition using a Raspberry Pi (the Raspberry Pi is a low cost, credit-card sized computer that allows students to learn how to program in languages like Scratch and Python). Potential projects could include controlling a robot, air printing and building a stop motion camera. Students will submit an application with their Raspberry Pi project information. Ten students will be chosen to participate. They will submit a video of their project for judging by local I.T. employers. Students will be allowed to keep the Raspberry Pi for participating. Winners (1st, 2nd, & 3rd) will be awarded a prize. This competition will attract students, engage local employers for judging and provide Kokomo Ivy Tech service area with positive publicity.
Circle of Ivy Lafayette Projects 2020 – 2021
Total Funding = $7,443.50
Student Success for Single Moms – Ivy Parents Achieve Success with Support – $2,918.50
The IVYT 111 Student Success for Single Moms course provides single mothers with an overview of the skills and strategies necessary to reach their educational, career, and life objectives. Topics include time management, study skills, learning styles, campus and community resources, critical thinking, and utilization of technology, career skills, and diversity in society. The class is designed to specifically assist single moms and provide a community of support. This class is the starting point for a cohort program to help single mothers complete their certificates and/or degrees with ongoing mentoring, workshops, and building supportive, healthy and affirming relationships with others in the program.
School of Health Science and Nursing Fit Testing – $3,500
Since March Covid-19 has presented numerous challenges to the Schools of Health Science and Nursing in providing educational opportunities for students in clinical settings. In order to comply requirements of facility partners and college policy it is necessary for students and faculty to complete Respiratory Fit testing in order to wear N95 masks during clinical. Normal path for lower cost Respiratory Fit testing for students is not available due to the Covid-19 crisis. Due to the volume of testing required, lack of needed supplies and the need to complete the testing in a timely manner, it has been necessary to seek alternative options for testing. The campus has been able to negotiate with a local regional occupation center to complete Respiratory Fit testing for students and faculty. The cost of this testing is prohibitive. Programmatic budgets are not robust enough to assume the cost of the testing. The cost of testing students and faculty will be in the neighborhood of $7,000. The Schools of Health Science and Nursing in Lafayette request $3,500 to assist in funding Respiratory Fit testing.
Lafayette HVAC Lab AeroLogic Germicidal Ultraviolet Air Disinfectant System – $1,025
Fight Covid- 19 and other airborne viruses and bacteria by installing an Atlantic Germicidal Ultraviolet Air Sanitizer in the Lafayette HVAC Lab’s Air Handling System’s Ductwork. The Germicidal Kill Rate is 91% with a single pass. The Virus Kill Rate increases with each additional pass through the germicidal lamps.
Circle of Ivy Lake County, Michigan City, Valparaiso Projects 2020 – 2021
Total Funding = $4,200
Lake County and Valparaiso/Michigan City – $4,200
COI project this year will be the COVID version completion scholarship, which is needed more now than ever, during this pandemic. This scholarship is the result of Circle of Ivy members committed to helping female students graduate to then achieve their dream for a better future in the Northwest service area. Students must be female, have a GPA of 3.0 or greater and attend any Ivy Tech Northwest campuses in Lake County and/or Valparaiso/Michigan City. Students must be enrolled full-time, have 12 or less credits needed for an Associate degree and have applied to graduate.
Circle of Ivy Lawrenceburg Projects 2020 – 2021
Total Funding = $7,000
Riverfront Food Pantry – $2500
Ivy Tech open and operate a food pantry on the Riverfront campus to replace the awkward and inefficient once-a-month food giveaways. This can be embarrassing and uncomfortable for students and does not meet their needs in the correct timeframe. I propose we build a small structure inside the building (perhaps in the Student Lounge space) and employ a number of
groups and programs to staff/manage the pantry (such as Service-Learning, Phi Theta Kappa, Student Life, ASAP students, etc…).
Snacks On The Go – $4000
Prior to the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, two food sources were available to students at Ivy Tech Community College’s Lawrenceburg Campus; the Meals-on-the-Go Program and the Dearborn County Clearinghouse Mobile Pantry. In light of the pandemic, both of these programs are not currently available for students. As a result, many students have noted an increase in food insecurity during these uncertain times. This proposal seeks to fill that gap in services. Funds, if awarded, would be used as additional support for a program to bring non-perishable snacks to students on a weekly basis at the Lawrenceburg Campus. These snacks would provide nutrition to students both during their time on campus and once they return home.
ASAP Service Learning Project – $500
Lawrenceburg ASAP cohort members realize the importance of belonging. During these unprecedented times, the students plan to provide the residence of Ridgewood Nursing Home with short creative and informative videos to keep the residence connect to the community which emphasizes the importance of Strategic Goal 8 which is diversity, equity, and belonging.
Circle of Ivy Madison Projects 2020 – 2021
Total Funding = $1,200
Virtual Etiquette Dinner – $1,200
A virtual etiquette dinner will be hosted by the career counseling staff and led by Professor Marta Belt. The event will address topics such as table manners, virtual mingling, and professional behavior in social situations. Free dinners for two to four people will be provided by a local catering company to all participants. Students are encouraged to join the virtual event with their families. For the first time we will be collaborating with another campus. South Bend/Elkhart students will be joining the event to take advantage of Professor Belt’s expertise and long-time experience in hosting etiquette dinners.
Circle of Ivy Marion Projects 2020 – 2021
Total Funding = $2,000
Marion Campus Meal Assistance for Student – $2000
Many students often spend the entire day without proper nourishment while on campus. It is especially difficult if their only means of transportation is city transit. During the two semesters before COVID-19, the Marion campus was able to provide 1,100 meals to students. Circle of Ivy funding will help support the availability of meals and nutritious snacks to all students on campus two days per week. The meals are provided by Meals on Wheels.
Circle of Ivy Muncie Projects 2020 – 2021
Total Funding = $4,500
Muncie-Community-Based Diversity and Student Success Programs – $4,500
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, America is projected to be a minority-majority country by 2045. Ivy Tech Muncie and Henry County recognize the need to focus on multiculturalism and inclusion as we cater to an already diverse student population dealing with the ramifications of COVID-19 on their pursuit of education. We desire to continue to prepare our students for work in a global marketplace. Diversity and inclusion are hot topics for a good reason. Students achieve more at schools where they can connect with people from different races, religions, and sexual orientations, in and out of the classroom. COVID-19 has made this extremely difficult, and therefore, we are exploring opportunities for our students of color, single parents, and faith-based community cohorts to connect right within their communities. Circle of Ivy Funds will offer paid tuition for IVYT (1 credit hour) courses for these students in community-based settings and on campus. Additionally, our funds will work to secure internet access in community-based locations allowing students to maximize Ivy Tech’s learn anywhere model.
Circle of Ivy Richmond Projects 2020 – 2021
Total Funding = $9,900
NCLEX Associated Fee Assistance – $4,100
This funded proposal will assist 7 PN students and 7 ASN students for payment of NCLEX-associated fees (including Indiana State Board of Nursing application fee, background check fee, and NCSBN NCLEX test fee). Nursing students in their final semester face many costs that are not part of their program tuition and fees. While the earned credential is a great accomplishment, graduates cannot obtain nursing jobs without passing the licensing exam. It is also imperative students are able to sit for NCLEX testing as quickly as possible after graduation. The longer a student waits to take nursing boards, the lower their likelihood of passing the licensing exam. Each year, the Richmond campus has students who would not have been able to apply to sit for the NCLEX exam without the help of emergency funding. Fortunately, Circle of Ivy grant funding was awarded the past two years and assisted 22 students. In fact, 90% of Circle of Ivy grant-funded testers passed NCLEX on the first attempt in the past two years! During the recent ISBN visit to the Richmond campus, the nursing education compliance officer was very impressed with this barrier-busting effort and noted this was a best practice that other schools should embrace.
Ivy CARES Unrestricted – $4,500
Most of the Foundation’s emergency assistance funding for students includes restricted criteria for awarding. This funded proposal will provide for funding a gap to ensure a student in need can be supported to ensure continued attendance in their classes. This funded proposal allows for ten (15) $300 maximum non-recurring awards for unrestricted student emergency assistance.
Ivy CARES Pantry – $1,300
Ivy CARES provides many supportive services and financial assistance to students to ensure their success. The Ivy CARES office keeps an inventory of basic necessities on hand to provide emergency assistance for those students who demonstrate need. Personal hygiene items are a large staple for the pantry. Additionally, a small inventory of healthy snacks is maintained for those students who are facing an immediate food crisis. Providing funding to support the Ivy CARES pantry for a year will make a tremendous impact for the Richmond campus students.
Circle of Ivy Sellersburg Projects 2020 – 2021
Total Funding = $5,200
Breaking Down Financial Barriers – $2,700
The consequences of COVID-19 have been far greater than the inconveniences of wearing a mask, maintaining social distancing, and avoiding large crowds. Several students in the PTA program have lost their jobs and been forced to make difficult decisions regarding finances while also balancing school in the pursuit of completing their degree. Obviously, these students are not the only students who have experienced these effects, but one component of their educational requirements does make their situation unique. PTA students must complete 14 consecutive weeks of full-time clinical rotations in their final semester. They must commit to “working” full-time at an unpaid clinical rotation, often taking a leave of absence from their jobs to meet these requirements. Students must frequently drive significant distances to reach their clinical rotations or purchase scrubs to meet site requirements.
While students are notified of these requirements upon entry to the program, many have been unable to prepare due to lost jobs or wages. Students historically report financial hardships during clinical rotations, and more are expected this year. With these funds, we will provide students on clinical rotations supplemental funds for food, gas, or scrubs through gift cards. Recipients will be encouraged to “pay it forward” by donating emergency funds or scrubs for future cohort students once they secure jobs after graduation, thus continuing the Circle of Ivy.
Fresh Produce for the Pantry – $1,000
Last year, Ivy Tech Sellersburg supported nearly 200 student families facing food insecurity. The campus operates a food pantry of nonperishable items, cleaning supplies and hygiene products that are dispersed to students when a need is expressed for such items. When COVID-19 hit, students were reaching out to campus staff for food. Quickly, everything in the food pantry was distributed to the students in need and the shelves were soon empty.
With the goal of promoting a source of nutritious foods, we will offer a healthier variety of food options to these students facing food insecurity by making fresh produce available. Funds will be used to purchase produce at cost in collaboration with Children Shouldn’t Hunger, an organization in Louisville that grows and distributes produce, and food will be bundled for students. A gift of $1,000 will provide 50 bundles of fresh produce for four months, in turn supporting 50 student families (family of four) monthly.
Additionally, students who request produce will become part of an online student group where recipes will be shared and videos will be created to demonstrate how the produce can be used to make meals for students and their families. Accessibility and affordability of fresh produce is a barrier for students and by providing this resource at no cost, we will break that barrier for the student and their families.
Ivy Tech Blessings in a Backpack Program – $1,000
Ivy Tech will provide a bag filled with snacks for families to take home to their children on the weekends since the weekend is when schools don’t provide two of their potential meals a day. Bags of food will be provided once a month, or every other week for a period of time. It’s not meant to be full meals, but granola bars, fruit pouches, singe serve mac n cheese or raviolis, etc. can be enough that they will not go hungry over the weekend.
K14 Mentorship – $500
High school seniors whom are interested in programs at Ivy Tech will be paired with current or former Ivy Tech students who are currently or have previously been through the program in which high school seniors are interested. Ivy Tech representatives act as mentors during the month of May (last month of the traditional high school year) and will guide students through the application process for the program intended as well as provide information as to what students can expect out of the program and their experiences. These mentor meetings would more than likely be virtual due to COVID.
Circle of Ivy South Bend/Elkhart Projects 2020 – 2021
Total Funding = $9,000
Dress for Success – $9,000
Providing students with a world-class education to prepare them for high-wage/high-demand careers is the primary goal at Ivy Tech. As students begin to enter the workforce, it is also important that they look and feel their best. In 2019, the South Bend-Elkhart Campus launched Dress for Success, an initiative put on by the Career Coaching & Employee Connections Department that provides graduating students a professional look for FREE! During an event, students are paired with a personal stylist who helps them choose business attire for their specific career path. Additionally, students receive gift cards for a haircut, dry cleaning/tailoring services, and a personal care basket. But that is not all! Students also get assistance in creating a professional networking profile on LinkedIN, a professional headshot and participate in an etiquette dinner.
Circle of Ivy Statewide/Systems Office Projects 2020 – 2021
Total Funding = $15,000
Support Resources for I.PASS program – $5000
We are requesting Circle of Ivy philanthropic dollars for the I.PASS: Ivy Parents Achieve Success with Support. This program has been a collaborative effort across several Ivy Tech campuses, designed with care to increase completion rates for single parent students. In 2018-2019, 10,757 Single Mom Learners attended Ivy Tech statewide. This population needs additional support as only 8% of single mom college learners’ graduate with an associate or bachelor’s degree within six years of enrolling, as compared to 49% of women in college who are not parents.
Additionally, 87% of single parent students are Pell eligible, indicating high financial need. The I.PASS initiative has the opportunity to make a broad impact for Ivy Tech students on a statewide level, including support for four pilot campuses (Indianapolis, Muncie, Sellersburg and Lafayette). This program currently has 140 students for this academic year, and is projected to double for the 2021-22 academic year, including some returning students.
One of the key components of I.PASS is a study hall with dinner provided. During study hall I.PASS students and their children have time to study and receive additional support, which provides for two generation touch points. We know the importance of this program and know that the assistance of funds from the Circle of Ivy would have a tremendous and immediate impact for our students. If supported, this program could immediately utilize the funds provided to elevate this initiative to a higher level.
ASAP Student Mental Health Stress Relief Kit – $5000
Stress management kits will be provided to all ASAP students statewide and mental health programming will be incorporated into Flexible Friday curriculum delivered by trained mental health professionals. The statewide mental health programming will be delivered via synchronous Zoom meetings which will continue to strengthen students’ sense of belonging within the statewide learning community. Students will be equipped with stress management strategies and tools necessary to successfully persist in their accelerated curriculum and complete their first college degree in 11-months. The ASAP leadership team will collaborate with Ivy Tech Counseling Services staff to design the training curriculum and identify expert presenters.
Systems Office Equity Scholarship – $5000
The President’s Cabinet decided to take on the WIG (Wildly Important Goal) of increasing second 8 week Fall term enrollment for Black and Latinx students from 1,1410 to 5,969 (5% increase over last year) by October 16, 2020. The Cabinet met that goal and as of 10/6, there was a total enrollment of our Black and Latinx students at 6,618. One very important leading indicator to achieve this WIG was the creation of Presidential Scholarships, which were unrestricted $1000 scholarships for Black and Latinx students. We are requesting 5 more scholarships, now the “Systems Office Equity Scholarship”, to help bridge the access and opportunity gaps for our Black and Latinx students. These scholarships will go to 5 new students for their Spring 2021 enrollment at a statewide basis.
Circle of Ivy Terre Haute Projects 2020 – 2021
Total Funding = $15,000
COVID Relief Aid – $4,000
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on the lives of everyone in our community, including Ivy Tech students. During the summer semester, we received nearly $1 million in requests for aid from students who had encountered financial barriers that were a barrier to their education. Many of these expenses were indirect expenses of the pandemic – students who have experienced a change in income due to a loss of employment, reduced hours or inability to work due to school-aged children being home. Federal CARES Act funding allowed us to fulfill $260k of these requests. However, due to restrictions on the funding, we were unable to use the CARES Act funding for many of the requests. The Ivy Tech Foundation created a COVID Relief Fund to provide us with the flexibility to meet these needs within a timely manner. Donations to the fund this spring and summer has helped us to alleviate some students’ financial hardships but as the pandemic continues into the fall semester, we know that requests are only going to keep coming. A grant to the COVID Relief Fund will allow students to continue their educational journey despite the financial difficulties of the pandemic.
Mental Health Services – $4,000
So many benefits have been observed through the Valley Professionals collaboration with Ivy Tech to help students who need a little extra support to stay on track with their studies and go after their goals. During a time when there are so many uncertainties, we know that more students will need access to services that will help them navigate through these difficult times. This program will help students stay focused on their educational goals while also attending to their mental health needs. It will also help students, staff and faculty challenge their thoughts of stigma surrounded around mental health issues and feel more comfortable talking about it and changing the culture of how behavioral health needed are addressed on campus.
Technology for Success – $5,000
Many students experience a number of barriers throughout their course of study at Ivy Tech. One major barrier that consistently presents challenges for our students is the ability to have appropriate technology options at their finger tips. Technology options include: reliable Wi-Fi, a tablet or laptop that’s compatible with campus platforms, the ability and knowledge to use technology. Our request is to provide our teams with unrestricted funds that will allow them to offer financial assistance that increases access the technology. This could include: funds to purchase a laptop, funds to pay internet provider, funds to support training and education to assist with technical challenges.
CDL- A Training – $2,000
The need for licensed CDL-A drivers was large before the pandemic, but now it is even more vital for semi-drivers to deliver the precious cargo that so many people need. Ivy Tech wants to help unemployed and underemployed people take on a new career path that can be very rewarding and earn above average wages and benefits. Annually, approximately 40 students graduate from the Ivy Tech CDL-A training program. Funding provided by Circle of Ivy will be used to waive the additional fees of CDL-A training students. An estimated 30 would be impacted by this grant. By supporting this proposal, Circle of Ivy will enable individuals who are looking to re-enter the workforce with the ability to do so. Without the financial burden of these fees, students can confidentially enter the CDL-A training program with the hopes of gaining employment in a high-demand, high-value career in the Wabash Valley.
Circle of Ivy Warsaw Projects 2020 – 2021
Total Funding = $4,350
Emergency Textbook Funds – $1,425
The Warsaw campus runs an extremely in-demand program that assists with retention and allows our students to succeed in the classroom. The Emergency Textbook Fund assists students in securing textbooks for class when a financial barrier exists.
Laptop Loaner Computers and Supplies – $2,925
The Warsaw Campus assists students with technology needs through the Laptop Loan 2 Own program. This year, we are asking the Circle of Ivy for funding to help purchase supplies like power cords, flash drives, and carrying cases for students in this program.