Campus Please Select Columbus Evansville Fort Wayne Hamilton County Lafayette Lawrenceburg Sellersburg Warsaw Indianapolis
IVY CARES STUDENT EMERGENCY FUNDS - $3,000 Many of our students found themselves in desperate situations due to COVID. Ivy Cares is a program designed to assist students with unexpected emergency financial needs that isn’t covered by scholarships and may otherwise cause a student to drop out of college. The program is not designed for assistance with recurring expenses and does not support tuition or fees. Students must be in good standing with the college, be in regular attendance with their current classes, and be making satisfactory progress in their current coursework.
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INDY IVY CARES STUDENT EMERGENCY FUNDS - $3,000 Many of our students found themselves in desperate situations due to COVID. Ivy Cares is a program designed to assist students with unexpected emergency financial needs that isn’t covered by scholarships and may otherwise cause a student to drop out of college. The program is not designed for assistance with recurring expenses and does not support tuition or fees. Students must be in good standing with the college, be in regular attendance with their current classes, and be making satisfactory progress in their current coursework.
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GIVE AND TAKE FOOD PANTRY - $3,000 Food insecurity is a major issue that our students face. In 2016, a HOPE Lab survey found that 56% of community college students experienced food insecurity, and we know that COVID has only increased this number. Students that struggle to meet their basic needs will struggle to persist and be successful in college. In order to help address this need of our students, Ivy Tech Anderson has established a Give and Take Pantry for students and staff who need assistance with food, toiletries, and other essential items. The pantry is completely anonymous and offers everything from canned goods, baby food, toilet paper and other personal hygiene items. The pantry has made a significant impact for our students and the funds would be used to continue to expand and sustain this service.
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PROJECT JUMP START OPERATIONAL FUNDS - $5,000 Project Jump Start is an accelerated model of Ivy Tech's student success course. The course takes place for one week before the semester starts and includes important information about how to navigate college. The accelerated course, which includes guest community speakers and time for students to explore aspects of their college life has resulted in increased success and retention rates among participants.
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COMMENCEMENT GOWN FUND - $3,000 Commencement Day is a celebration of a student's attainment of their educational goals. Unfortunately, some students do not take part in the commencement ceremony because they cannot afford the cap and gown that are required for them to participate. This fund would provide free cap and gowns for those students who cannot afford to purchase these items themselves.
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GRADUATING STUDENTS PROFESSIONAL ATTIRE FUND - $3,000 We want to help our students achieve their dreams of success upon graduating Ivy Tech, and one way is to provide them with all the tools and resources needed to secure a good paying job. Many of our students do not have the means to buy professional attire for a job interview. This fund would provide gift cards to be used for suits, dresses and other professional attire appropriate for a job interview.
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INDIANA CONFERENCE FOR WOMEN - $3,500 The Midwest's largest one-day professional development event for women, by women!
As the Midwest’s premier educational event for businesswomen and entrepreneurs, the Indiana Conference for Women features nationally-recognized speakers, best-selling authors, thought leaders and business experts offering seminars, tools and techniques to accelerate your career advancement. This conference will take place on Thursday. Nov 3, 2021 at the Indiana Convention Center. We would like to purchase a table of 10 seats to include two COI members, a staff member along with seven female students.
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MACBOOKS FOR MOMS - $5,000 Working with single parents to complete their educational goals and move towards self-sufficiency is in direct support of Goal 1 of our strategic plan ensuring every student persists towards their educational objective. Ivy Tech faculty and staff have repeatedly seen the challenges and barriers single parents face; challenges that have only increased due to COVID. Nationally 89% of single mom learners have low incomes and only 8% of single mom college learners graduate with an associate or bachelor's degree within 6 years of enrolling. This fund would provide MacBook’s for 10 single moms.
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WOMEN INTERESTED IN STEM PROGRAMS AND EMERGENCY COMPLETION - $3,000 One of the ""at risk"" population groups involves female students interested in pursuing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) programs. There is clear evidence available indicating that the majority of students working toward STEM related degrees are males, and the majority of individuals working in STEM fields are males as well. There is also compelling evidence suggesting that women are often uncomfortable pursuing STEM programs to completion without strong support systems in place. We would like to provide mentorship opportunities as well as a virtual event inviting women within our service area who are successfully working in STEM careers to connect with students interested in STEM and offer a panel interview to promote conversations and support. This type of opportunity would serve as a positive experience toward supporting these women.
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Wellness and Fitness Center - $900 Ivy Tech Wellness Center hosts a Wellness Fair every spring which not only educates students and provides resources, but is also a convenient way for students to gather information related to their health that they might not otherwise receive. One way that we educate is by providing health screenings which include glucose and cholesterol. The students in our medical assisting program conduct the screenings which is a great learning opportunity for these students. We are requesting funding to cover the cost of screening supplies for the Spring 2022 Wellness Fair.
We also provide snacks and bottled water to all the vendors who volunteer to participate. We generally average around 50 vendors or approximately 120 volunteers. We are requesting funding to cover this cost as well.
The Wellness Fair is our most popular event of the year and is always well-attended with approximately 250 - 300 students.
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Psychology Program - $3,000 Psychology is a shifting Science. New discoveries and research are the norm form this discipline. If our tutors are not up to speed on the current findings and curriculum, it is useless to pay them to help students. It is literally throwing money down the drain. I want my tutors to continue their education, and be just as current in their understanding of Psychological trends as I am. Otherwise, we are just working against ourselves.
So, these are the reasons I am asking for a grant so that myself, a student, an Adjunct, and a Psychology tutor may attend the 2022 National Institute for Teachers of Psychology Conference. I appreciate your consideration. I hope and pray that you will agree that it is worthwhile to invest in this Program, and of course, in the growth and well-being of the Ivy Tech Community, as a whole. Thank you.
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School of Nursing Lab Equipment - $3,219.30 The Nursing profession is rapidly changing due to technological advances and now COVID. Students who enter the workforce upon graduation need the most up to date skills that will allow them to hit the ground running in their new profession. Our Nursing labs provide our students with the ability to obtain necessary essential training, preparing them with real world nursing skills, that they will build upon in the clinical setting. In order to offer our students the best preparation possible, we would like to update some of our lab equipment. Unfortunately, due to budget constraints, our labs have not received new small equipment in quite some time. It is with the future of our students in mind, that we humbly ask for the funding to update this small lab equipment. Our labs need new IV pumps, scales, linen hampers, thermometers, injection trainers, and manikin trainers. While we know it is not possible to fund all the items on our wish list, should the School of Nursing be chosen to receive funding, the items we would like to replace are linen carts, thermometers, intradermal injection trainers, and IV training arms.
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Study Abroad -Summer 2022- $5,000 This proposal for funding from the Circle of Ivy aims at strengthening the skills of our students by teaching them global skills and competencies that are integrated in the global studies certificates, global workforce skills certificate, and in the study abroad experience. Students who complete coursework in one of the certificates, or study abroad, will be better prepared for the global world in which we live, work, and study. Several years ago, Ivy Tech developed the global studies certificate through the assistance of a U.S. Dept. Of Education grant in partnership with Indiana University. In 2019, Ivy Tech built upon this internationalized foundation by designing a new certificate, global workforce skills certificate, that would complement career and technical education degree programs. Both certificates provide students with specific training and learning in global skills, intercultural competencies.
In 2018, Ivy Tech, Evansville led the way in developing a statewide partnership (MOU) with the Tennessee Consortium of International Studies, to provide Ivy Tech students with study abroad opportunities. In 2022, Ivy Tech students will have an opportunity to study abroad in Berlin, Amsterdam, and Paris. The money requested for this proposal will be used to provide five students a $1,000.00 scholarship that will be applied to their study abroad program cost. To be eligible for the scholarship, students must be in the process of completing GLOB 101 (core course in the global workforce skills certificate) or HUMA 120 (course designed to help students complete the requirements for the global skills certificate). The study abroad component is designed to help students meet course requirements embedded in both certificates.
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Lamkin Center for Student Success - $601 Being unable to afford basic necessities affects student’s mental health and quality of life. If a student does not have the items they need, they will simply not come to class out of fear and/or embarrassment.
Requests for menstrual products are often the gateway for other types of requests for hygienic products such as soap, shampoo/conditioner, deodorant, lotion, feminine wipes, and breast pads if they are breastfeeding, etc....
At Ivy Tech Evansville, students are able to utilize Ivy’s Closet to obtain menstrual and hygiene products to sustain them for the month or if they are simply in a pinch. Ivy’s closet has also assisted other departments on campus with students who have identified needs, as well as supplied products to our site locations and at our sharing tables outside of the Lamkin Center, and in the Koch student commons. These products are among the first items taken from the sharing table and cart, and they are frequently requested in the Lamkin Center. In fact, this year alone, 91% of all female visitors to the Ivy’s Closet requested menstrual products or hygiene items. The requests will soon outpace the availability in our pantry and we simply do not wish to be in a position to turn any student away. We currently rely on donations to replenish our supply and as we might be aware, feminine products can be costly.
My request via Circle of Ivy is for $601 in assistance with supporting our female identifying students which currently make up 64% of our fall 2021 currently enrolled (CT/TC/Associates Degree) Ivy Tech population. By assisting our students in purchasing menstrual and hygiene products for Ivy’s Closet, we as a whole will be in a greater position to continue to serve our students’ needs.
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Business and Entrepreneurship - $2,300 The First Annual Ivy Tech Next Big Idea Virtual Pitch Contest is an Ivy Tech Community College centered pitch contest for Ivy Tech students (Evansville Campus) to present their business concepts via the IGOTBOOM contest platform in hopes of winning the Ivy Tech winning start-up business kit package provided. This incentive provides the opportunity to practice presenting a business idea in front of their peers, other established entrepreneurs, local business experts, professionals, community leaders, etc. Viewer/voters of the contest will evaluate the pitches based on the market opportunity and concept validation of the business idea. The pitch that receives the most votes will win the start-up business kit package powered by Circle of Ivy – Ivy Tech Community College (Evansville Campus).
College level pitch competitions provide opportunities to network with other student participants, connect with mentors/investors, and learn about new resources available for future entrepreneurs.
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Gloria’s Garden (Wellness) - $15,400 The Ivy Tech Evansville Campus will be creating a beautiful green space full of amazing potential. This space will not only provide beauty and sustenance, but will be an outdoor space for learning and reflection. Community gardens are essential and they require many helping hands and materials to keep them thriving. Our Evansville campus will reap many benefits from this endeavor. There is already a design in place for the garden, we are just trying to secure more funding to get things started. The main purpose of the garden is to provide a peaceful space for tranquility and provide fresh produce to our students on campus to help them thrive during their journey at Ivy Tech.
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Leisure space to keep students on campus - $3,000 Outfit an existing space to allow students a place for leisure. Which includes remodel and technology costs. This will help to keep students on campus, and thus are more likely to attend their classes.
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Student Success for Single Moms - Ivy Parents Achieve Success with Support - $2,918.50 The Student Success for Single Moms I.PASS program offers support for single moms to achieve their educational and personal goals. Students enroll in the IVYT 111 Student Success course and receive one on one mentoring support and resources not only while they are in the class, but also throughout their educational journey. In addition, students develop supportive and encouraging relationships with other single mom students at Ivy Tech and get help in making professional connections to community partners as well as Ivy Tech faculty and staff. Helping single mom students realize they do not have to do this on their own and realize so many caring people are here to cheer them on and care about them, is making a big difference in believing in themselves and achieving the goals and dreams they already have as well as setting bigger goals and dreams for themselves and their children! They funding proposal will provide the single parent students with much needed and valued tuition and fee reimbursement after successfully participating in the I.PASS program.
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Phi Theta Kappa Membership Sponsorships - $480 Phi Theta Kappa is an honor society for two-year college students. PTK recognizes students who have at least a 3.5 GPA after completing at least 12 college-level credits. PTK builds fellowship, supports scholarship, builds leadership, and joins in service to our school and community. There is a one-time $60 national membership fee for students to join. Please consider a donation of $480 to sponsor 8 students for the fall semester. Students must apply to receive this sponsored scholarship and commit to being active members. A sponsored student from this summer has used her opportunity to become our chapter president!
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A Celebration of Art and Community - $1,685 Ivy Tech – Frankfort is honored to bring the work of community artists to our students. We recognize the importance of exposing
students to the fine arts. Art has a positive impact on our environment and can transform the setting by engaging both the physical
and the emotional. Research has shown that exposure to fine art can also have academic benefits including increased proficiency
in math and reading as well has overall higher GPAs. We are particularly pleased to show our students the work of local artisans.
This will increase the sense of connection to the community which researchers at the University of Pennsylvania refer to as
“spillover effects” – including stronger community and civic engagement; better health, schooling and personal security. We
believe that the arts enrich all of us and we are so pleased to do what we can help students to build appreciation of fine arts and
community connections.
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Ivy Keys - $1,000 The Gulbransen piano has found a home in Ivy Hall and is utylized by students in their free time. It needs a regular tune up but
these funds will be used for the 1st tune up, etc. to really bring it back to a new beginning in a new location! Northside Music was
able to offer a high proposed amount of $1000.00 but seemed very confident the work would not cost that much. They are mailing
the proposal to me.
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Dual Credit Engagement Resources - $1,365.54 For the current year, 2021-2022, Lafayette campus has over 4,000 students signed up for dual credit courses. The items
requested would be given out as a way to continue to engage, recognize and outreach to the students within the dual credit
courses and/or students inquiring about dual credit courses for the future. Our hope and goal is, these are the students that
continue their education journey with ITCC after high school. While many of our in-region high schools participate in college fairs,
some larger universities do not always accept invitations to visit our rural schools. These items would serve as a reminder to the
K-12 and more importantly the high school students that Ivy Tech Community College is here for all students and we welcome
them anytime.
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Campus Meal Assistance for Students - $1,800 Many of our students on the Marion campus spend the entire day without proper nourishment while on campus. It is especially difficult for students if their only means of transportation is city transit. During the months of January, February, and March 2021, the Marion campus was able to provide meals to 600 students. Funding will support the availability of meals and nutritious snacks to all students on campus. The meals are provided by the Grant County Rescue Mission.
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ASAP Student Mental Health Stress Relief Kit - $5,000 Stress management kits will be provided to all ASAP students statewide and mental health programming will be incorporated into Flexible Friday curriculum delivered by trained mental health professionals. The statewide mental health programming will be delivered via synchronous Zoom meetings which will continue to strengthen students' sense of belonging within the statewide learning community. Students will be equipped with stress management strategies and tools necessary to successfully persist in their accelerated curriculum and complete their first college degree in 11-months. The ASAP leadership team will collaborate with Ivy Tech Counseling Services staff to design the training curriculum and identify expert presenters.
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Inclusive Language Project - $5,000 As the largest community college system in the country with 42% of all undergraduate degree-seeking enrolled minorities across the state of Indiana, providing critical documents (enrollment, advising, financial, etc.) signals to diverse communities that they are welcomed and belong at the College. Providing our prospective students with intentional native-based translation equips English Language Learners with the educational information in their native tongue to communicate with non-English speaking family members; aiding in the decision-making process to enroll and attend the College. While some free online translation engines exist, Google translate is an unchecked machine-based translator that often times can provide the wrong translation. This can lead to people being provided with incorrect information on the College’s offerings and opportunities. Therefore, we are requesting funds to utilize translation services to work with our office of Diversity, Equity and Belonging alongside our Marketing office to create user friendly pdfs that will live on Ivy Tech’s websites. In addition to being readily available and accessible for students and family’s, various campuses across the state will have access to these documents as they will be hosted on the Ivy Tech Website and be able for download for Ivy Tech sponsored events.
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Increase the Success of Potential DSS Students Through Psychoeducational Evaluations - $5,000 Students working through Disability Support Services who may qualify for academic accommodations due to having a learning or psychological disability need to provide the College with documentation of their diagnosed disability. For students who were not diagnosed in a K-12 setting, obtaining psychoeducational testing and documentation can be expensive. This barrier can stop students from registering with the DSS office and receiving needed academic accommodations, which in turn prevents them from being successful in the classroom and persisting to graduation. As testing from a private psychologist can be in the range of$5000 and is not supported by most insurance companies, our students can face obstacles that prevent them from learning in an accessible environment. By collaborating with Indiana State University's Doctor of Psychology program (PsyD), we can offer virtual psychoeducational evaluations that will provide the testing and documentation that will allow them to register with the DSS office. Since ISU's program evaluates community members on a sliding scale, we will be able to provide 15-25 students with evaluations. This is a unique opportunity to partner with a single clinic for testing state-wide, as evaluations are now available virtually.
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New Online Orientation Incentives - $2,019 As a result of COVID, many students who would prefer face to face courses have instead enrolled in online courses. Ivy Online enrollment has increased by 21% over the previous year. Students enrolled in online classes at Ivy Tech are on average 10 % less likely to complete their course than students enrolled in face-to-face classes.
To reduce that achievement gap, Ivy Online is launching a pilot online orientation program on three campuses for students who are first-time online students with Ivy Tech and registered for the spring semester. We have three campuses participating in the pilot program; Lawrenceburg, Columbus, and Richmond. We expect to identify between 750-1,000 first time students at these campuses who will be enrolled in our online orientation program.
Ivy Tech doesn’t require students to complete an orientation before enrolling in an online course. We hope that our pilot program will demonstrate that students who complete the course succeed at a higher rate than their historical peers. To do that, we need to encourage students to complete the course.
We’re proposing a $2019 grant to provide incentives for students who complete the course. Students who complete will be entered into a pool and randomly selected to win one free course or one of five $50 Amazon gift cards (per campus). We’ll promote the incentives in emails and texts to students who are part of the pilot program.
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Support Resources for I.PASS Program - $5,000 We are requesting Circle of Ivy philanthropic dollars for the I.PASS: Ivy Parents Achieve Success with Support. This program has been a collaborative effort across several Ivy Tech campuses, designed with care to increase completion rates for single parent students. In 2018-2019, 10,757 Single Mom Learners attended Ivy Tech statewide. This population needs additional support as only 8% of single mom college learners’ graduate with an associate or bachelor’s degree within six years of enrolling, as compared to 49% of women in college who are not parents. Additionally, 87% of single parent students are Pell eligible, indicating high financial need. The I.PASS initiative has the opportunity to make a broad impact for Ivy Tech students on a statewide level, including support for four pilot campuses (Indianapolis, Muncie, Sellersburg and Lafayette). This program currently has 140 students for this academic year, and is projected to double for the 2021-22 academic year, including some returning students.
One of the key components of I.PASS is a study hall with dinner provided. During study hall I.PASS students and their children have time to study and receive additional support, which provides for two generation touch points. We know the importance of this program and know that the assistance of funds from the Circle of Ivy would have a tremendous and immediate impact for our students. If supported, this program could immediately utilize the funds provided to elevate this initiative to a higher level.
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Systems Office Equity Scholarship - $5,000 The President's Cabinet decided to take on the WIG (Wildly Important Goal) of increasing second 8 week Fall term enrollment for Black and Latinx students from 1,1410 to 5,969 (5% increase over last year) by October 16, 2020. The Cabinet met that goal and as of 10/6, there was a total enrollment of our Black and Latinx students at 6,618. One very important leading indicator to achieve this WIG was the creation of Presidential Scholarships, which were unrestricted $1000 scholarships for Black and Latinx students.
We are requesting 5 more scholarships, now the "Systems Office Equity Scholarship", to help bridge the access and opportunity gaps for our Black and Latinx students. These scholarships will go to 5 new students for their Spring 2021 enrollment at a statewide basis.
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Emergency Transportation Funds - $1,600 For students short on cash and needing gas to get to class, we would like to continue providing $10 gas cards. For students needing longer-term transportation, we would assist in getting a KABS route established and would help cover those fares (typically $1 - $5 per ride).
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Basics Bank Supply Pantry - $1,000 Housed in the Warsaw Learning Resource Center, the Basics Bank offers food, school supplies, and personal hygiene items to students, no questions asked. While in the Basics Bank, students are also encouraged to see LRC staff if they have other needs. Brochures and contact information for community social service agencies are available. The Warsaw Meijer store has also donated to this cause for the last several years.
Keeping these items in stock, and expanding them further as new student needs to present themselves, directly supports, retains, and helps vulnerable students complete their Ivy Tech courses and programs. $1,000 will fully fund the operations of the Basics Bank for one year.
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DSS Assistive Technology Day - $5,000 Indianapolis DSS is asking for funding to host an AT Day for students, staff, and faculty. Those in attendance will have the opportunity to build a tool-kit of technology knowledge that can significantly impact accessibility success and impact retention. Tentative Date will be within the third week of February of 2022.
Participants will learn about many free built-in features or downloadable extensions of both Microsoft and Apple computers, tablets and phones. Additionally, DSS would like to feature the benefits of using and mastering the features of Read&Write. This is a wonderful tool that isn’t well known to students or staff that has numerous built in features for highlighting, text to speech, talk and type, dictionary features, annotation for notes capability and more.
Event Learning Outcomes & Features:
• Workshops for teaching built-in technology features for Windows, iOS, Androids, MAC’s taught by Indiana’s Industry leader in Assistive Technology
• Increase awareness of the features the Ivy Tech software available to all – Read and Write
• Review Android and iOS apps that are either free or for a low cost to assist with executive functioning deficits, notetaking support and more. (Grammerly, Noteability, Cozi, Good Notes, Scrble Ink, OneNote, GoogleKeep, etc…)
• Purchase a few items of AT Equipment for DSS Programming so that students can try out devices and/or apps prior to purchase or downloading
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Indiana Student Association of Nurses Conference - $1,000 We are humbly asking with assistance to cover costs for some of our Indianapolis nursing students to attend the annual Indiana Student Association of Nurses conference in January 2022. The students will be engaged in: ATI NCLEX review, listen to national speakers, meet vendors of all kinds from work to education, have opportunities to network, meet employers from all over the country, meet with college representatives, and go to break out sessions on specific topics related to nursing. The best part of the entire convention is the exposure to professionalism and collegiality amongst the nursing profession.
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Chancellor Student Initiative Incentives - $5,000 I have participated with Dr. Esters' "Get Fit with the Chancellor" sessions and have spoken with numerous students while walking with them. Many of these students were participating to be eligible for the scholarship drawing that will be held after the one month of sessions. I was so impressed that these students were enjoying themselves and getting fit and really wanted and needed the extra funds. I think it would be great if we kept doing this and had a funding source to go with it in the spring term.
Requesting $5000 for 5 - $1000 scholarships but would take less if there isn't funds available.
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TRIO Need-Based Scholarships- $5,000 TRIO Student Support Services requests $5,000 to be awarded to students through scholarships for the Spring 2022 semester, which would allow students to continue their education at Ivy Tech and make progress towards earning a degree. The scholarship would help to address any unmet need not covered by a student’s financial aid package, or if a student is not eligible for financial aid despite being enrolled in an eligible academic program.
By providing scholarships to students in the TRIO program, it will reduce the financial burden that students bear, reduce the amount of student loans needed, and help contribute to increased completion rates. Students who may have needed to sit out a semester while they saved money to take classes would be able to continue to pursue their degree without any pause. Additionally, the scholarship may result in a reduced loan amount that would still fit within a student’s financial aid budget.
TRIO students will complete an application through DocuSign in order to be considered for a needs-based scholarship that would help cover the cost of tuition for the Spring 2022 semester. As part of the application process, students must include an essay that addresses three questions.
The $5,000 requested by TRIO would allow 10 students the opportunity to supplement the cost of tuition when financial aid is not enough or not an option.
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Teach 2 Grow English 111- $1,146.83 In the #Teach2Grow SLD English 111 course, students research about gardening, write about gardening, and grow vegetables in a shared school garden located at the Culinary Center on the downtown Indianapolis campus.
Outcomes from this course have been both academically and affectively positive. Students have reported less stress and more engagement in the writing process itself; in addition, the students have better persistence in the course compared to other “regular” sections of English 111. Results from two years of data show a 90% pass rate for English 111 students enrolled in this special course versus the department average pass rate, which is 72%. The hour spent in the garden each week has served as a positive coping strategy for the students; it gives them a reprieve from their multiple responsibilities of job, school, and family. In addition, the students take home the fresh produce they grow.
Carrie Sample and Renee Rule been successful in getting seed donations. Plants themselves are not the only thing that keeps a garden running successfully, however. Soil in the raised beds needs to be refreshed periodically, gloves wear out, and something as simple as bags to put the produce in can run out. Seeds need to be started in seed trays using sterile potting medium. The requested items will be used to maintain and refresh the existing garden beds, package the produce for transport to students' homes, and to add two more garden beds.
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Helping Honors Students Dream Big- $2,000 The Honors College at Ivy Tech serves a diverse population of students that choose to participate in order to enhance their academic and co-curricular experience while dreaming BIG! Any assistance we can provide to support them in this endeavor will help them stay on this journey and feel another layer of support, in addition to the wrap-around services provided in the program.
Because students pay an enhanced fee, oftentimes they are challenged when ancillary fees related to their academics arise. For example, Choi-ha (pictured) a student that has been thriving in the program, is nearing completion of her Human Services degree. Her required internship, where she is serving families utilizing hospice, has incurred travel expenses. This has created a financial burden and she is seeking additional financial support. It would be unfortunate if this student would have to withdraw from the honors program - with all that she has earned toward the Honors Diploma, due to this one-time need. She is so close to completion! We often have adult students in these situations. They are striving for excellence while balancing the demands of work/school and dreaming big. They're a beacon of light in the community at large, positively reflecting Ivy Tech!
We want to issue 200 dollars to 10 diverse, adult students in the honors program who are near completion and thriving, yet financially struggling to cover ancillary fees related to their academics.
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IvyCares- $5,000 Ivy CARES (Caring Assistance Resource for Every Student) provides emergency financial assistance and integrating services and resources for Ivy Tech students that focus on creating self-sufficiency while working to improve quality of life in partnership with community agencies.
IvyCARES staff understands it is a struggle for many Ivy Tech students who are facing poverty to afford housing, food, clothes and other basic necessities. Many Ivy Tech students are one flat tire away from dropping out. Many may be unable to even afford enough gas to drive to and from campus for a week, let alone their many other basic necessities.
Ivy CARES is designed to provide resource assistance to Ivy Tech students, helping them overcome obstacles along their paths to academic and personal success. This involves providing financial assistance, identifying challenges, strategizing solutions, referring students to needed resources, and following up with students to further support and retain them. In most cases, resources are needed immediately to ensure students' continued success in their coursework and educational goals.
The goal of Ivy CARES is to work with the student to ensure that they have regular attendance and can successfully complete their classes. Ultimately, Ivy CARES helps students achieve their educational objectives.
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Pathways to Opportunity - $5,000 Pathways to Opportunity will serve to assist with efforts under the Pathways to Careers (P2C) Scholars program and grant partnership with the Lilly Endowment and Indiana Latino Institute. This program will provide financial assistance in the forms of refundable scholarships for tuition and fees as well as an opportunity to provide emergency funds to eligible students.
Eligible students
Enrolled at Ivy Tech Community College for Spring/Summer 2022
Enrolled in a degree-seeking program
Identify as Hispanic/Latinx
Enrolled in 6 hours minimum
Applicants with established GPAs must have a cumulative grade point of 2.0 students without established GPA encouraged to apply
No residency requirement or FASFA required
Preference given to students who have no other funding available
Barrier Busting Funds
Eligible students
Enrolled at Ivy Tech Community College for Spring/Summer 2022
Must be enrolled in degree seeking program
Identify as Hispanic/Latinx
Enrolled in a minimum of 6 credit hours
Identify an outside barrier to education- transportation, housing, utilities, or food.
No residency requirement or FASFA required
The Scholarship Information will be announced to students upon the award of funds. Students will receive notification through a Signal Vine (text message) campaign, as well as through announcements in My Ivy and Ivy Life (partnering with SOL- Student Organization for Latinos). Prospective students for Spring will receive information.
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Learning Center Upgrades - $3,500 The Learning Center provides tutoring for Ivy Tech students in Math, Writing and many other courses. As technology progresses, we find that our original methods for providing those services are no longer adequate for students. They are now given digital assignments and bring their own laptops to work on them. Students no longer need to carry around physical notes or writing implements, but there is also a great need for charging space for computers.
The first upgrade is a set of power trees that would allow us to accommodate the changing needs of students. Currently, students are unable to charge laptops without leaving their work space. The power trees are on casters which allow us to set up mobile charging points in the room as necessary for students by plugging the trees into outlets and wheeling them to the areas where they are needed.
The second is to replace a few of our tables with portable white-board surfaced tables. These would allow us to use less paper, work quickly with students on questions right in front of them, as well as give students a large space to write their own work out for their digital assignments. The mobile tables allow us to reconfigure the layout of the lab at a moment’s notice. Students with accessibility issues can have their own space or larger groups can be accommodated by rolling the tables together.
We think these small upgrades will make a big impact on our ability to service our students in a more modern and efficient manner.
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Fighting Student Homelessness- $1,500 Fighting Student Homelessness would provide items on our "Sharing Shelf" for students in need. In my research there are three stages of homelessness and throughout my time at Ivy Tech Community College. These stages are Chronic homelessness examples include individuals sleeping outside, episodic homelessness which occurs when individuals have moments of living outside in cars and other places, and transitional homelessness which includes individuals living with friends or family, but no permanent home. Our program would focus on transitional homelessness I have encountered many students over the years that were living with friends and families without a permanent address. I remember one student was kicked out of his parents house, and moved in with his girlfriends family, and he was kicked out of that house as well. My goal of "Fighting Student Homelessness" would provide items such as pantry food items, socks, gloves and other items for these students who are dealing with transitional homelessness.
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Student Emergency Funds - $4,000 If chosen, funds will continue to work to eliminate financial barriers for our students.
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Family Resource Center - $5,000 At any given time, nearly 30% of community college students have children living in the home.
Each student-parent has a unique and diverse set of challenges and most need help in moving forward: academically, economically and emotionally. Funds will work to support student-parents in their journey by dedicating these funds to the new Ivy Tech Muncie Family Resource Center and its programs.
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Community-Based Diversity and Student Success Programs - $4,000 According to the U.S. Census Bureau, America is projected to be a minority majority country by 2045. Community colleges are recognizing the need to focus on multiculturalism and inclusion as they cater to an already diverse student population and prepare workers for a global marketplace. Diversity and inclusion are hot topics, and for good reason: Students achieve more at schools where they can connect with people from different races, religions and sexual orientations, in and out of the classroom. Benefits to students include improved critical thinking skills, awareness of social problems, academic engagement and college satisfaction, to name a few. Circle of Ivy Funds will work to continue to offer paid tuition for IVYT courses in community-based settings as well as on campus (e.g. on campus person of color student cohort and off campus faith-based community cohort).
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Corner of Community - $200 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
According to an article written by the Columbia Center for Teaching and Learning, research shows that when students feel that they belong to their academic community, that they matter to one another, and that they can find emotional, social, and cognitive support for one another, they are able to engage in dialogue and reflection more actively and take ownership and responsibility of their own learning. One of the best ways to create a sense of belonging at school is to create a shared experience and connection among various campus members. At Ivy Tech of Shelbyville, we would like to incorporate a whiteboard project that would engage staff and students regardless of status, degree, age, etc. We would call this project the “Corner of Community.”
The “Corner of Community” project would consist of a free-standing whiteboard placed in a common area at the school. Every day, there would be a new question, puzzle, drawing, or thought cloud for both students and faculty to add their own responses. Some examples would be: “Thumbs Up Thursday—What was one thing that happened this week that was really good?”, “Turn It Up Tuesday---What is a song that puts you in a good mood?”, “Fun Fact Friday—Write a Fun Fact about yourself?” The board also may also have a beginning of a drawing and each person adds something to it as they walk by or a story that is started and each person adds a sentence as they pass, which could also lead to discussions.
The “Corner of Community” project would consist of a free-standing whiteboard placed in a common area at the school. Every day, there would be a new question, puzzle, drawing, or thought cloud for both students and faculty to add their own responses to. Some examples would be: “Thumbs Up Thursday—What was one thing that happened this week that was really good?”, “Turn It Up Tuesday---What is a song that puts you in a good mood?”, “Fun Fact Friday—Write a Fun Fact about yourself?” The board also may also have a beginning of a drawing and each person adds something to it as they walk by or a story that is started and each person adds a sentence as they pass, which could also lead to discussions.
Literacy Library - $1,000 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
The Columbus Service Area has expanded its operations to Johnson and Shelby Counties in the last two years. Education students taking courses at the Columbus campus have access to printed children's books via the University Library and a small library collection in the Education Learning Lab. However, education students taking courses in Franklin do not have access to printed children's books or book collections to engage in teaching strategies involving literacy for the Education course EDUC 233-Literacy Development through Children's Literature. I am requesting this grant to purchase children's books to build a children’s books library at the Franklin campus. The books I have selected cover a wide range of grade levels (K-7) and topics including multicultural, social and emotional, fairy tales, and graphic novels. I have requested $500.00 to begin building this collection and have included a budget of $500.00 in case the prices increase. Thank you for considering this request.
Workbench for Machine Tools - $1,000 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
Our Machine Tool shop and lab need a workbench to hold tools and materials while students are working on course projects. This is the heart of any shop. The Machine Tool faculty would like to provide a safe stable space for woodworking and/or metalworking.
TV in Aviation Courses - $1,000 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
Watching TV in school might sound like a bad idea. Granted, in my own school days, the only time teachers let us watch the TV was at the end of term as a treat, not for educational purposes. The 75-inch flat-screen TV in small to medium-sized aviation classrooms will allow our cohorts to interact with the classroom content through their own remote devices, such as a tablet or a laptop. Going with a professional display during the presentation will increase the unit's life and provide far more brightness and clarity during the lecture, small group, and class interactive activities than most projectors – making every seat in the Round Top Hangar classroom a good seat.
Welding Ergonomics - $1,000 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
The WELD program is looking to purchase the DHC2000 with oxy-acetylene torch capability of welding, cutting, brazing, soldering, leading, and preheating a variety of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, such as mild steel, stainless steel, aluminum, and cast iron. The combination of a low-velocity flame and concentrated heat will help our students safely practice a new level of welding control and versatility. The flame velocity in this tool is reduced four times than in a conventional torch that prevents the molten puddle from “blowing out,” allowing students to practice, control and complete the welding process of difficult materials such as aluminum. The comfortable pistol-grip torch body is made from lightweight aluminum that trains and develop a more natural working position for students’ hands and body.
Precision and Layout Tools - $600 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
The precision manufacturing process involves the removal of raw materials from the object to develop a perfect finished product. Our Machine Tool faculty are looking to purchase a variety of small precision measurement and layout tools to supplement and enhance new student learning activities and experience. Using precision tools in Machine Tool courses will boost precision or accuracy while machining products. Our students will develop and practice a variety of new skills using precision layout tools and techniques, and set up and operate the mills, lathes, grinders, and other important conventional machines found in a standard machine shop.
Summer Camp Tee Shirts - $400 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
A great way to tap into that pre-arrival summer camp energy is by giving away Ivy Tech custom tees right before the camp begins. A custom t-shirt is an easy way to welcome campers and their families on campus, take a group picture, and get future campers excited to participate in all scheduled activities. Memories of summer camps hold special places in so many hearts. The AMEAS School would like to design and purchase the t-shirts to bridge the gap between practical use and sentimental memories. Also, our t-shirts will make an excellent thank-you gift idea for all summer camp volunteers and donors.
Mirrorless Camera for Still Photography and Video - $1,000 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
The School of Visual Communications at Ivy Tech, Columbus, maintains a library of cameras, lenses, tripods, mics, light adapters, and other equipment to loan to students in video and photography. This library of tech is extremely important to our program as it provides the opportunity to learn skills in photography and video using industry-standard equipment at no cost to our students. We are asking for funds to add the Nikon Z 50 to our library. This is an entry-level mirrorless camera, which is lightweight, compact, silent, and can capture brilliant still photography as well as high-quality video. This camera will be an ideal choice for students who enroll in VISC 104 - Basic Photography as they learn to manipulate aperture, shutter speed, and ISO to achieve a desired mood or effect in their compositions. It will also be an ideal choice for students in VISC 105 - Video and Sound as they will be able to analyze video quality in real-time using the Z 50's LCD monitor.
Science Education Health Care Related Fields - $700 Select Select 1 Votes 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
With hands-on 3D models of eyeballs and ears, students will get a better appreciation of the intricacies of the anatomy behind the special senses of vision and hearing.
Precision Ag Drone - $750 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
Our new Precision Ag Degree Program started in the Fall of 2022. This is a new program with limited equipment. DJI Drones are the standard for classroom training. We are offering a Drone Class PAET 107 in Spring 2023. We need equipment to train students to use. The DJI Mini 2 Fly More Combo with accessories including a tablet holder, propeller guards, and charging base.
Hub Programs - $1,000 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
Our Hub in Columbus has been gaining great traction with our students. But I want to grow what we offer and offer programs to assist with barrier-busting. I want to assist with the following:
• Offer baby supplies like diapers, bottles, and other needs. $300
• Bring back Hello Ivy to provide a free whole meal to students, with instructions on how to make the meal. $300
• Offer holiday meals to students for Thanksgiving and Christmas. These meal kits will include ham, vegetables, and a pie. $300
• Have available school supplies like notebooks and pencils, these go very fast in the Hub. $100
According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, to reach transcendence, one must have their physiological needs met. Physiological needs are food, hygiene, and other basic needs. Many of our students struggle with meeting their basic needs as our Hub has been very utilized just in the Fall 2022 semester. Helping students meet these needs will help break down the greatest barrier a student has at Ivy Tech. I am also working with Amani to provide intentional coaching to ensure students who receive Ivy Cares assistance are retained and have a support team helping them through their educational journey. These funds will directly help and impact the group of students in the most need. Thank you so much for your consideration!
Arduino Kits for IoT - $800 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
We are requesting monies to purchase Arduino starter kits for students to be used in the IoT course on the Columbus campus. It comes with the Arduino board and all the needed components, as well as a project book that contains 15 different IoT projects that can be done with their kits. Some students may choose to purchase their kits, but we would like to have kits on hand to assist students who may not have the funds to do so.
Reducing Road Risk for Commuters - $1,200 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
Students in the healthcare field are required to complete classes and clinical rotations in person. A large number of students in the Physical Therapist Assistant program are from other Ivy Tech campuses across the state and commute over 100 miles to the Sellersburg campus and/or clinical sites. Currently, we have students traveling from their homes in Kokomo, Bloomington, Plainfield, Evansville, Crawfordsville, and Indianapolis. During the spring semester, the weather is a big challenge for these commuters. Often, our students from the more northern part of the state are forced to make decisions about driving that compromise their safety or force them to miss valuable class/clinic time. Many of our students cannot afford the extra cost of staying at a local hotel. If an emergency fund was available, it would allow faculty to provide some monetary support so students could better afford a hotel room to prevent driving in treacherous weather conditions.
Food Pantry Supplies - $3,000 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
Ivy Cares is here to support students with challenges that they face outside of the classroom that can stop them from being successful while in college. The food pantry is one of the ways that we make sure that students’ needs are met. Our food pantry supports strategic goal 1, student success. Strategy 1.2 is to create a community of care. This includes connecting students to resources and services that are needed. The Ivy Cares food pantry is a resource that addresses food insecurity on the Sellersburg campus. In order for the food pantry to be maintained, we formed a partnership with Dare 2 Care. They assist us with making sure that we have food in our pantry, but they are unable to help with other items students may need such as household items, toiletries, and reusable bags. This money would allow Ivy Cares to maintain the food pantry until the summer 2023 school semester. Last year with the help of Circle of Ivy over 200+ students benefited. With your help, we can increase that number!
Ivy Cares Holiday Programming - $3,000 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
The department of Ivy Cares hosts two annual holiday events. These two events eliminate student barriers that take place during major holidays, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Our holiday programming/events align with goal 1 student success and goal 7 community. Goal 1.2 is to create a community of care. These events show the students that we care about the challenges and hardships they face during the holiday season. This also shows that we are not only informed but we would like to be a helping hand in a time of need. Goal 7.2 is to engage directly with each community's most pressing needs. During these events, we engage our staff members, community partners, and agencies so that they can firsthand see the need that we have. The first event is Thanks for Giving where we collect donations for a Thanksgiving basket. After donations are collected the department of Ivy Cares is tasked with collecting the items that we were unable to secure. Last year during this event we had 35 applications and we were able to assist 15 families a total of 51 people. After the donations were collected Ivy Cares then spent $800 on turkeys and other items, which we were unable to secure through donations. The angel tree event is designed to make sure that our students can provide holiday gifts for their families. Last year’s angel tree event had over 50 applications and we were able to accept 39 students and 80 angels. If we are selected, the money would be used to help fund these two events. This would not only benefit the students but also the community that we serve and live in.
Active Learning Programming - $2,897.97 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
Students are responding positively to active learning. There is an increasing need for active learning supplies. The Active Learning Program provides the equipment for students to use to be able to actively participate in their virtual classes.
The multi-media equipment (green room) availability provides students access to videotaping presentations for classes, practice for public speaking, segments for portfolios, career interview practice, and more.
The collection of human anatomy models provides students with opportunities to see, feel, and retain important health details. In Ogle Commons, students have the option of studying individually or in groups.
Mind & Body Workshops - $2,000 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Vote 3 Vote 4 Vote 5 Vote 6 Vote
To increase personal wellness, enhance the campus culture, and help all those on campus feel more included and connected, we are looking to provide a five-part series of Mind and Body Workshops for the spring semester. Possible topics might include mindfulness training, self-defense training, yoga, stress management, and even a relaxing paint party (creating a unique work of art with the help of a professional). These events would be open to all students, faculty, and staff. The funding would cover the cost of the instructor and food.
Through these events, participants would have an opportunity to informally interact with peers and those in other roles on campus to build a more cohesive campus culture, along with participating in events that will enhance their overall wellness. Through this community building, students will have a greater likelihood to persist in their educational goals and faculty/staff will be more likely to be retained. Everyone benefits!
Breakthrough Ambassador Program - $3,000 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
The Breakthrough Ambassador Program is a pilot mentoring program targeted to first-year students. While the intent is for faculty, staff, and second-year students to serve as Breakthrough Ambassadors to create a sense of community and belonging for our first-year and at-risk populations, any interested student could participate. The structure would be monthly enrichment activities where success stories from our ambassadors are featured as well as helpful tools for the best learning experience (campus resources, time management, test-taking tips, etc.) The participants would also have the opportunity to benefit from a breakout session within their program of study, so they bond with program leaders, instructors, and fellow students outside of the classroom. We would also like to host a family event during the early part of the Spring semester so families can also feel involved in their student’s school.
This program is needed to connect the first-year and at-risk populations to our campus. Students who feel connected have higher success and retention rates.
Funds are needed for food, supplies, student and family event planning as well as shirts to identify the ambassadors at our functions and kick-off events throughout the year.
Hot Stone Massage Equipment - $2,315.45 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
Hot Stone Massage is one of the top requested services in the therapeutic massage industry. Providing our TMAS students with the appropriate equipment to train and master this skill in our classroom places them atop the list of prospective employees. It is an applied skill that cannot be replicated in the classroom without the proper equipment. This training complements the TMAS 211 Deep Tissue massage course and we currently do not have the equipment to demonstrate or train this skill. The proposal asks to allocate funds for the purchase of 6 sets of equipment to utilize in our training program for Therapeutic Massage on the Sellersburg campus.
We ask you to consider our proposal to enhance the skill set provided to our students and future graduates!
Preparing Students for the Next Generation NCLEX! - $2,926 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
Have you heard?! The NCLEX is changing! The Next Generation NCLEX is set to launch on April 1, 2023. Students graduating from the School of Nursing will be tested like never before as they prove themselves capable to become a nurse! The nursing faculty team has been preparing and making changes as we strive to support our students. One strategy will be Next Gen NCLEX Workshops led by nursing faculty during the spring 2023 semester. All nursing students anticipating program completion in May or July 2023 will be encouraged to attend. The Circle of Ivy can help to provide additional resources for students in need!
Two items have been selected as ideal resources to help nursing graduates prepare for NCLEX. For the Associate Degree in Nursing (ASN) graduates, the Hurst NOW NCLEX-RN provides 90-day access to a comprehensive online review of must-know content, a study workbook, and a question bank of over 1500 NCLEX questions to practice. For the Practical Nursing (PN) students, the UWorld NCLEX-PN 60-Day access code will allow graduates to complete a self-assessment and practice over 1400 NCLEX questions. The selection process for the distribution of items to students will be needs-based and also require attendance to the NGN NCLEX Workshops offered by faculty. Thank you for supporting future nurses!
ASAP Goodwill Hunting - $1,000 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
One of the goals for ASAP students is for them to be well-equipped for their next step after graduation. While activities are taking place in the classroom to help achieve this goal, there is nothing like real-world experience. I would like to be able to provide an opportunity for the ASAP students to attain a glimpse of a real-world experience.
I propose that each ASAP student would receive $35.00. With this budgeted amount, each student would work towards finding an outfit that would be suitable for an interview along with keeping in mind, they would have to purchase their lunch. The agenda would consist of the students traveling to Goodwill to purchase interview outfits, buy lunch, and then come together to discuss the day’s activities. This opportunity would be the catalyst for an open conversation focused on budgeting and preparing the student for future interviews along with equipping the students with an interview-ready outfit. All activities would take place under the guidance of mentors who would be available to assist the students. Students would also be asked to bring one article to donate to Goodwill. It is our goal to equip our students for the next step and providing them with this opportunity would not only help them to experience it with guidance but will also allow them to take part in helping their community.
Place-Based Junior Ranger Program - $1,500 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
This program is to increase place-based learning experiences for younger students in the STEM field of science.
Placed-based activities are a great learning modality and bringing this type of program to a local level would be beneficial. This program would bring a place-based learning experience for particularly younger students (grades 3-7) to a local city park. The goal is to develop a Junior Ranger Program at Lena’s Loop, which is a park in Batesville.
This Junior Ranger Program will include an educational booklet for Lena’s Loop. The development of this booklet is part of a Service-Learning Project for Earth Science classes at Batesville. The students are creating science education content including such topics as learning about city/state/National Parks, Leave No Trace principles, ecosystems, habitats, food webs, dichotomous keys, etc. Students will devise workbook content while hiking, observing nature, determining the impact they can have in nature, and the importance of preserving environmental spaces such as the park being studied.
While this is geared toward grades 3-7, any individual can participate in this program. Once any individual (regardless of age)completes this program, they would be eligible to receive a Junior Ranger Badge.
It is hopeful that the Batesville Parks & Recreation Department and Batesville School District will join this Place-Based Junior Ranger Program to make it a success.
MST Trainers - $4,200 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
Modular Skills Trainers (MST) are Independent Skills Practice Trainers that are modular. Trainers improve, validate, and promote independent student learning. Trainers require no electric or pneumatic power making them on demand in any environment. Trainers can be utilized in the lab as additional practice stations to accommodate increased enrollment. During clinical site experience MST's can be utilized by clinical instructors and students to review or remediate a skill(s) or if unit census is low. Student's can check out MST's and practice skills at home. Instructors can utilize MST's during didactic to demonstrate evidence based nursing practice. MST's could also be utilized in the event of building closure to prevent delay of course progression. Students will be able to self record demonstration of required skill and submit for grading. Practice with MST's will increase student retention by improving student access thus improving lab skill competencies.
From Garbage to Garden: The Ivy Tech Service-Learning Compost Trail - $1,578.89 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
The purpose of the Ivy Tech Service Learning Compost Trail is to utilize composting as a life skill that not only illustrates learning objectives across disciplines but also provides a sustainable means of recycling food waste and feeding the community. It was developed and implemented by BIOL101 service learning students in the Fall of 2017. It has made a significant community impact by bringing together various community members, including local restaurants, community gardeners, and Ivy Tech students, to fertilize the Southeast Indiana Community Gardens naturally. Last season we collected ~1500 gallons of compostable waste, and the Ivy Tech Service Learning plots in the community garden produced ~500 pounds of fresh fruit and vegetables for the campus and local community food pantries. To strengthen community engagement, we request funding for additional cart and compost buckets that will be provided to community members in collaboration with Lawrenceburg Main Street at the weekly Farmers Market. Buckets printed with composting information will be taken home by community members, filled with compostable items, and brought back to the Farmers Market to exchange for an empty bucket. Service learning students will provide composting education, add the compostable items to the compost pile at the community garden, and clean the buckets for the next week. To evaluate success, gallons of compostable waste will be tracked, and service-learning reflections will be assessed.
Nursing Student Refrigerator - $180 - $375 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
The nursing students are on campus some days for class from 9-4 and do not have a place to keep their lunch cold. This will provide them with a place to do just that!
DSS Sensory Positive Study Room - $952.60 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
The Disability Support Services (DSS) program of Ivy Tech Fort Wayne and Warsaw (NE-Northeast) has created a sensory-friendly environment for our students. During Fall 2022, room 1630 opened to our students as a disability-friendly study space where our students can utilize assistive technologies, build relationships with each other, and receive support from DSS staff. Our students have identified a need for making room 1630 more sensory-friendly. This will enhance the environment of this space by altering the lighting and soundscape, enhancing visual stimulation, offering alternative seating options, and providing opportunities for sensorimotor stimulation, stress management, relationship building, and fostering a sense of belonging and community on campus.
DSS staff have identified a need to provide opportunities for relationship building and safe spaces for our students where they feel welcome and can access support.
Coffee with a Professor - $1,800 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
Engagement with faculty outside of the traditional classroom setting is considered a predictor of student success in college. Coffee with a Professor is being created to encourage student-faculty and student-student interactions outside of the classroom–possibly discussing topics of academic interest, upcoming coursework, and general life experiences. As the name (Coffee with a professor) suggests, professors and students would meet in a casual setting to drink a café style beverage while having a conversation.
Getting to know a professor and fellow students may help students feel more at ease in the classroom, may give them more confidence when addressing their peers and professor, and may give them a deeper understanding of the course. Additionally, many of the theories used in studies of college student persistence and completion emphasize the importance of academic and social integration. Therefore, Coffee with a Professor strives to create connections that support academic and social integration while reinforcing the growth and holistic development of a student.
Rent and Utility Fund - $1,900 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
In 2021, 24% of families in Allen County reported "getting behind" in their bills due to the high costs of housing in the area. During the 21-22 academic year, students requested assistance with housing or utilities 102 times. Knowing that most of our students are just one high utility bill or rent payment away from homelessness, this fund will target those students and prevent a student from dropping out of college in order to work additional hours or pick up another job to maintain their housing.
Helping Hands Emergency Funds - $1,900 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
The Helping Hands Fund assists students at Ivy Tech Community College through short-term financial emergencies so they can be in class, be prepared, and persist in their academic coursework. Students are eligible for a minimum of $50 and a maximum of $500. The previous allocations we have received from the Circle of Ivy have been beneficial in helping remove those barriers impacting our students. I have attached a testimonial from a recipient of the funds.
“As a student, life can get pretty hectic. Along with family, school, and work financial issues can pop up at any time. With helping hands, I was able to access things that I would not have been able to, without their help such as buying my book for the NCLEX exam.” – Jordan Walker, who is now a nurse working in a nursing home.
“The funds helped me keep my car running. This also helped me keep my job and stay on track with my goals.” – Tressie Blocher, she is still pursuing her education.
We received 113 applications and Helping Hands was used to pay $5,493 to remove barriers impacting students.
Thanksgiving Meal-in-a-box - $500 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
For students with food insecurity, Ivy Tech Warsaw would like to provide a Thanksgiving meal for the entire family. In partnership with Combined Community Services which provides free turkey vouchers, Ivy Tech would purchase other fresh and ready-to-cook ingredients. Students would be encouraged to submit a brief application explaining why they are requesting assistance and the number of people in their immediate family. Funding would cover supplies for 10 boxes/families.
Helping Hands Emergency Funds - $3,000 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
Students in good standing and showing financial need may apply for emergency funds to cover rent, utilities, car repairs, medical bills, etc. one time per semester up to $500 per semester. Ivy Tech will pay the vendor directly.
Building Community One Slice at a Time - $1,140 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
IVYT is a one-credit course that provides students with the skills and knowledge they need to successfully complete a degree or certificate at Ivy Tech. The course emphasizes personal responsibility, locating campus resources, exploring career options, and developing study skills. Students take this class at the beginning of their academic careers, and it prepares them for success in future classes.
Spending the day learning and eating lunch together will build community. Often, students are more likely to persist through tough classes when they feel they belong to the campus community. Sharing a pizza with them during their first week while also covering the course objectives for IVYT will help build the connections and confidence they need to succeed at Ivy Tech.
Metacognition: The Key to Acing Courses (and Life) By Dr. Saundra McGuire - $4,050 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
This interactive workshop introduces students to cognitive science-based learning strategies that help students experience meaningful, transferable learning, often resulting in A’s in their courses. This workshop can also help reduce the metacognitive equity gap between low-income versus high-income, minority versus majority, and well-prepared versus underprepared students. This workshop also offers a unique way to help us achieve our campus WIG of improving student success.
The New Tutoring Center at Ivy Tech Hamilton County - $3,000 - $4,000 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
Working with a tutor can be a transformative experience for a college student. In fact, most university studies show that students who use tutoring services are more likely to get higher grades and graduate than those who do not. Tutors not only teach essential skills that students can use to succeed academically but give students the emotional support needed to tackle the rigors of college life. Here at Ivy Tech Hamilton County, we have an opportunity to create a tutoring center that not only serves our student body with the individualized academic support indicative of top universities across the country but also a space that is warm and welcoming to students.
CliftonStrengths Champions - $1,990 Select Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
The Hamilton County campus team has grown to include a Nursing Success Coach and a Retention Specialist. These roles will work directly with students to support them as they work to achieve their goals at Ivy Tech. To help these student-facing staff coach our students we would like for them to complete the CliftonStrengths for Students: Champions training offered through Gallup. The Gallup webpage describes this course as an opportunity for any educator to learn about strengths-based education, student engagement and wellbeing, and how these impact job quality later in life.
Supporting Student Success with Healthy Snacks - $2,000 Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
Students spend many hours working and studying in our Learning Commons. Some of them have shared that they are hungry. This negatively impacts their ability to learn. We would like to offer our students apples and oranges daily to keep them energized with healthy foods. This will help them study more effectively and stay and work longer.
Serving & Learning - The Tie Blanket Project - $600 Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
Students, faculty & staff would work together to make tie blankets for the veterans and homeless in our community. This project would take place the week before fall finals, so this could also be an activity to help students de-stress from their studying for finals. Holiday cookies would also be available as a fun, festive treat and to provide an extra boost to finish studying strong. There would be tables set up on both the first and second floors of Gipe Hall to provide ample space for everyone to participate. Blankets would be delivered after the end of the fall semester.
Serving & Learning Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment Recognition - $3,000 Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
The ITCC- Lafayette currently works with over 300 K 12 instructors with Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment opportunities. The items would be to recognize and highlight the amazing work that our K-12 instructors do for the college and their students. These items would also be a great way to market and showcase the dual credit program in hopes of increasing interest amongst other K-12instructors. Our K-12 instructors currently teach over 4,000 amazing high school students. Additionally, the students would also receive items to showcase their involvement with dual credit courses.
Lifting the Students to New Experiences - $2,899.32 Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
Funding for these items not only meets strategy 1.1 by helping students earn higher grades by encompassing all learning styles, but also strategy 2.4. Many of the community partners have expressed interest in returning to Ivy Tech to complete the TC for the massage program or to gain the additional certificates that we now offer such as insulin management in QMA. The items being requested will give hands-on experiences to these partners and give physical experience behind the practice.
American Heart Association Infant Mannequins Update - $620.50 Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
This update to the mannequins allows the students to get immediate feedback as they practice CPR on the infant mannequins. This feedback helps students build confidence, the more confident the better the outcomes in real-life situations. Currently, thisLafayette campus certifies over 800 students in CPR. We teach health science, education, and massage therapy to students as well as the general public. We have this feedback in our Adult mannequins, it is very beneficial. This improvement literally could help save a life.
Mother's Room - $3,000 Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
Proposing a room for mothers who need to breast pump while on campus. We know we have a room, but it is not very comfortable. Students are choosing to go to their cars to pump instead. We are proposing the following to make pumping and storing breast milk on campus much easier and more comfortable:
A comfortable chair such as a leather rocker/recliner with a table to rest a breast pump on and nearby outlets to plug the pump into, a sink to wash hands and pump parts, and a refrigerator to store breastmilk while on campus.
If funding allows, a Medela symphony hospital-grade pump, which allows multiple users to bring their pump parts only rather than carrying a pump to campus each day.
Funding for Medical Evaluations for Students Needing Disability Services - $3,000 Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
Often students come to us from high school and need to be re-evaluated for Disability Services. The high school evaluation does not carry over. They go without because they may not have the funds to get the medical evaluation that is needed. In many cases, grades suffer, not because they cannot do the work, but because they have a documented different ability that requires extra time and resources. We would like to see us help these students to move forward with their education and to remove barriers to their academic success.
Single Mom Student Success I.PASS Ivy Parents Achieve Success with Support - $2,991 Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
FREE IVYT111 Class and ongoing support for Single Mom Learners
This class and I.PASS program provides single-parent learners with an overview of the skills and strategies necessary to reach their educational, career, and life objectives. Topics include time management, study skills, learning styles, campus and community resources, critical thinking, utilization of technology, career skills, and global society. The class and I.PASS programs are designed to specifically assist single parents and provide a community of support.
Single Mom Learners will:
- Learn about campus and local resources.
- Learn how to navigate through the college experience.
- Build lasting relationships with campus leadership, classmates, and workforce partners.
- Connect with wrap-around services that are designed to remove any barriers – counseling, tutoring, coaching, and more.
Upon successful completion of the IVYT111 course and participation in the program, students will receive a refund for the 1 creditIVYT111 class tuition. Students will continue to receive ongoing mentoring, encouragement, and support throughout their education at Ivy Tech through the I.PASS Single Mom Success Program.
Dual Enrollment Homeschool Scholarship - $3,000 Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
Many homeschool students would like to take more Dual Enrollment courses but they lack funds. The Dual EnrollmentHomeschool Scholarship will pay $300 towards the cost of one Ivy Tech Community College class. Ten scholarships will be awarded to students taking a course required for an ITCC credential/degree or taking an Indiana College Core course to be transferred to a 4-year institution. Eligible students are current homeschool students who will have completed at least one class with Ivy Tech by December 18, 2022. The student must graduate high school no earlier than May 2023 and have a GPA of at least3.0.
Students will be required to submit an application to the K-14 Team at Lafayette, along with a high school transcript. Besidesdirectory information, the student will be asked to explain why they need the scholarship and how it will help them meet their intended educational/career goals. Applications will be due by November 18 with recipients announced on December 2. Currenthomeschool students taking an Ivy Tech course who meet the requirements will be notified of the scholarship via email from the coordinator of Secondary Initiatives, Debbie Toth.
PTK Membership Scholarships - $300 Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society recognizes community college students with a 3.5 GPA or higher and provides members with leadership, scholarship, fellowship, and service opportunities. There is a one-time membership fee. The national portion of the fee is $60. While there are a few scholarships available from PTK international, we have more applicants for our Lafayette chapter than available scholarships. A gift of $300 to cover the national fees for 5 students would give these students the opportunity to join this great organization.
Your Passport: Global Learning is for Everyone - $6,000 Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
This proposal for funding from the Circle of Ivy aims at strengthening the skills of our students by providing them with international learning opportunities through a partnership between student life, wellness, and study abroad on the Evansville campus. Students will have a variety of opportunities to learn about their world on and off campus.
Study abroad, and other international events offered on the Ivy Tech, Evansville campus serve as a building block for students to internationalize their skills. In 2023, Ivy Tech students will have an opportunity to study abroad in Budapest and Prague, and attend meaningful international programming on the Evansville campus. The money requested in this proposal will be used to provide scholarships and to provide campus international events. Many of the campus events help to strengthen the tie between academics, and other areas of the institution, hence, providing students with a comprehensive, and holistic learning experience.
Advising Technology - $4,600 Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
To aid in the student experience, advising has taken back the task of helping student register for classes but we are sorely needing the technology and equipment to make it both efficient and FERPA compliant. I humbly request the assistance of the Circle of Ivy to aid the Academic Advising Office with funds to go towards technology to help streamline in-office registration.
If awarded, we envision advising sessions no longer having awkward pauses as advisors attempt to figure out how to register the student and navigate systems. Students will be able to sign in securely using these mobile devices to register and access their student information. Advisors will not have to utilize our work computers to register students, it reduces paperwork/DocuSigns and student traffic to the EEC and the Registrar.
This also allows advising to be more mobile and intentional. Advisors can take a mobile device and meet students in the commons or right outside classrooms. We can participate in registration fairs, and also help students apply for loaner laptops and emergency services. Or Advisors can even go to a local High School and work with students who have made the commitment to attend Ivy Tech. For Ivy Tech as a whole, we can help with application/appointment to registration conversion. The impact can be monumental but your support is needed.
Community Engagement: Adult Education and Literacy Programs - $10,000 Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
Through Ivy+ Career Link, the Adult Education and English Literacy Programs are offered to the community as free open entry/ open exit programs designed to assess and academically challenge adult students who would like to learn English as a second language or acquire the core skills needed to earn a High School Equivalency diploma. Our instructors provide 45 hours of Adult Education and English Literacy programming each week in Princeton, Rockport, and at three Evansville locations. Most importantly, the adult education and literacy programs demonstrate an understanding of the community and align services to not only meet educational goals but reduce barriers by developing partnerships and support networks that increase student success and the workforce’s talent pipeline. Continued funding through the Circle of Ivy will provide the finances necessary to serve students and the community in a greater program capacity. Additional funds will again be allocated to pay for exams and bus passes, establish new program locations (e.g. YMCA), and purchase digital textbooks for distance learning due to Covid challenges. Due to the community need for adult education and literacy programs, our campuses’ accelerated growth has exceeded the allotted grant funding for the FY within 2 quarters; a continued partnership with the Circle of Ivy for program funding will again be an immediate benefit to the adult education and literacy community at Ivy Tech Community College.
Ivy Success: Look GOOD! Feel GOOD! Do GOOD! - $3,044.96 Select 1 Vote 2 Votes 3 Votes 4 Votes 5 Votes 6 Votes
Ivy+ Career Link would like to provide motivated Ivy Tech students in their final two semesters of classes with the opportunity to access resources that will allow them to look good, feel confident, and be successful in their job search. Resources include an Ivy Success Package of a professional grade pen and padfolio for the completing participants, along with the chance to be awarded an Ivy Success Platinum Package of a $25 gas card to assist with transportation to & from interviews and a $100 gift card to assist with purchasing interview attire. To be awarded the Ivy Success Package and qualify to possibly be awarded the Ivy Success Platinum Package, students will complete three critical tasks related to job search success: 1) draft a resume and have it reviewed by a Career Coach, 2) upload a resume to HireIvy and get it approved for use on the site, and 3) complete a mock interview either in person or online via, including feedback from a Career Coach and the review of information addressing appropriate interview attire.
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